Finding pet-friendly rentals can be a challenge.

It can be even more difficult if your pets don’t meet the dreaded size and breed restrictions common to so many apartment communities. If your local classifieds fail you, don’t panic! Here are a few options:

  • Create a "pet resume." Write a brief description of your pets' temperaments, training, proof of vaccinations, and anything else that makes them good tenants. If possible, include references such as previous landlords. It may be worth searching online for sample pet resumes.

  • Look for a private home or condominium rental. You may have better luck negotiating with a private homeowner than with an apartment manager who is bound by company policies. In addition, you may benefit from amenities like a fenced yard or even a doggy door.

  • Spread the word. Let friends and coworkers know that you are looking for a pet-friendly rental. Also, reach out to rescue groups and shelters in the area. They often have pet-friendly listings, and the volunteers might have connections. Try to find a pet-loving property manager or realtor who can offer advice or leads.

  • Offer to introduce your pet to the prospective landlord. This can be helpful if your pet is friendly and easy-going, or quiet and unobtrusive. To ensure calm behavior, choose a meeting place that is non-threatening to your pet. Of course, you'll want to make a good impression, so make sure your pet looks and smells clean for the meeting.

  • Help stop breed discrimination. Despite news stories about (often mislabeled) "pitbulls" and other commonly feared dogs, breed-specific legislation is NOT an effective way to safeguard the community. All the leading animal welfare organizations in the U.S. oppose breed-specific legislation, as do the Centers for Disease Control, the American Veterinary Medical Association, and The American Bar Association. To help stop breed discrimination in your community, download this guide from Best Friends Animal Society.

  • Resolve potential issues. Lying about whether your dog is housebroken or barks incessantly will backfire in the long run -- you could face large fines or get evicted. If you need help solving behavioral issues, contact a local rescue group, veterinarian, or pet supply store. They can usually recommend qualified trainers or other resources to fit your budget.

  • The Humane Society of the U.S. has more information on renting with pets.

If you are fortunate enough to have a choice of pet-friendly properties, day-to-day convenience should be a priority. For instance, living with dogs usually means finding places to walk them -- especially if you don't have a fenced yard. Just because a property calls itself "pet-friendly" doesn’t necessarily mean that there are good dog-walking areas nearby.

Here are some tips for choosing a pet-friendly home:

  • For dogs, look around the property and imagine where you would walk every day. Even if there is a park nearby, make sure there's a spot near your doorstep where your dog can make “emergency” trips at night or in inclement weather. If your dog needs to go out at 3 a.m., you won’t want to walk two blocks to a park! If you will be walking through a parking lot, make sure it is safe and well lit at night.

  • Look for signs of overall pet-friendliness in the community: other people walking dogs, doggie waste baskets provided by the landlord or local park, etc.

  • If your dog is an escape artist or your cat has access to the outdoors, choose an area with little traffic. (We recommend keeping cats indoors because of the dangers to themselves and wildlife. Indoor cats generally live more than twice as long as outdoor cats. However, if you do let your cat out, please protect birds and other creatures by putting a bell on the cat collar. If you are concerned about your cats getting bored inside, consider building or purchasing a catwalk or screened "catio.")

  • Find out about any amenities or pet-related services in the area, such as veterinarians, groomers, or dog walkers. Look up online reviews or visit the facilities.